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/co/ - Comics & Cartoons

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File: 76 KB, 431x431, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb]
20692923 No.20692923 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20692942
File: 60 KB, 437x333, fucking_gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

That fucking song.

>> No.20692960

whats with the horse sperm?

>> No.20692967


>> No.20693060

They were actually hallucinating, this in their brains last death throes.

>> No.20693075

Such a shitty, hacky, overdone twist?

Who are you? Shyamalan?

>> No.20693166

Is it shittier than being saved by the sea horse choir?

>> No.20693191

Pony Deep Ones.

>> No.20693335

Fuck you, /co/.

I managed to go my whole life without hearing that song, and then you came along.

>> No.20693368

Ehhh, it's kind of a lateral move, really. I mean, the one is a painfully overdone premise...the other is shoo be dooing retardation.

>> No.20694199


>> No.20695287


>> No.20695317

I'm going to rinse my mind with bleach.

>> No.20695426



>> No.20697701


>> No.20697732

HOW.... could you bring this back to me!

>> No.20697776
File: 53 KB, 534x208, shoebeedew2.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20697933

old pony thread 404'd

can this be the new one?

>> No.20697953
File: 918 KB, 800x2300, 1287631842487.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20697960

To save people the trouble of googling:

>> No.20697961

really? it couldn't have 404d that fast... i smell janitor

>> No.20697982

I love Fluttershy with that vacant look of happiness the entire time this is going on.

>> No.20697995

yeah, it wasn't even close to the bump limit and by the time it 404'd only like five minutes had past since the last reply.

>> No.20698048

I...actually have an .mp3 of that song.

>> No.20698069

This song is catchy, but I think the Smooze song is an equally good earworm.

>> No.20698103

I went on omegle video chat last night and just played this song for everyone.

Amidst the confusion, one guy who actually had his cock IN his pants, proceeded to whip it out just for the occasion.

>> No.20698234
File: 367 KB, 1191x1417, ncstsmooze.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20698321
File: 105 KB, 640x480, sdw.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20699980

That's horrifying.

>> No.20700015

wait, wait... What is the Smooze from?

>> No.20700077

MLP the movie.

>> No.20700096


Shoop bee doo?

>> No.20700727

If you had the choice of listening to them sing and toss you around in a bubble for a while OR drown, which would you chose?

>> No.20703409

Bump because the other active MLP thread is autosaging.

>> No.20703504

this is 100x better than shitty new one

>> No.20703513

shoopdawoop, shoopshoop dawoop

>> No.20703524

can't wait to see them in the new cartoon.

>> No.20703532

Well she's Nia, so...

>> No.20703544

I actually found the new MLP cartoon strangely entertaining. Proper background story and Tara Strong's voice acting make it a lot more fun to watch.

>> No.20703656
File: 9 KB, 243x267, 1287659682946.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Hello ponies!

How do I find everypony this morning? I hope you are all well!

What adventures should we have today?!

>> No.20703666

Oh God next thing you know /co/ will be actively RPing as ponies.

>> No.20703668

when is new episode coming out?

>> No.20703677
File: 18 KB, 318x226, 1287666581401.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

I have been for ages. You OAT to know this by now.

>> No.20703681

I have this on DVD....haven't watched it in years

>> No.20703682

I'm just waiting for a Polly Pocket cartoon or something.

What the fuck is the appeal of a show for 8 year old girls?

>> No.20703683
File: 2.73 MB, 270x221, 1284127891512.gif [View same] [iqdb]

>The ponies
>They are taking over

>> No.20703685

They said it would be today.

>> No.20703691
File: 11 KB, 261x205, 1287666480616.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Just SADDLE UP and feel the magic of friendship.

>> No.20703701


I'm doing quite well this morning . Just thought I'd swing by to say HAY!

>> No.20703704
File: 10 KB, 264x274, 1287515806017.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Why can;t you just die.
How are you even flying? That doesn't make any sense. Having two wings doesn't ignore the fact that you have the body weight of a baby horse and hooves for godsakes

>> No.20703705
File: 25 KB, 269x269, 1287658668043.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Oh you're a riot! It was only equestrian of time before it came to pony puns!

>> No.20703711
File: 53 KB, 450x439, 1287603079422.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

It's magic! Why can't you just believe!

I think you woke up on the wrong side of the stable this morning.

>> No.20703712
File: 135 KB, 640x360, 1287538782174.png [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20703730

Oh My god it worked

>> No.20703738
File: 37 KB, 348x351, 1287631123770.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Say what?

>> No.20703741

dude ponies exist, deal with it

>> No.20703747

Ponies are wonderful, magical creatures. Your heart just has to be as open as your eyes to see them!

>> No.20703758
File: 48 KB, 480x360, KneeHighParkGrouchGayShit.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20703763

Can we have a pony corps?

"I have sensed that you have great friendship in you heart!"

>> No.20703764
File: 375 KB, 640x480, magicponies.png [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20703770
File: 17 KB, 100x100, AVIAHVI.png [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20703771
File: 50 KB, 306x296, 1287604623133.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

u mad?

>> No.20703788

Suck my balls faggot

>> No.20703791
File: 24 KB, 229x300, MrRogersPhilosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Do somethin'

>> No.20703798

Why you all so mad over ponies?

>> No.20703804
File: 23 KB, 630x336, 1287614094431.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

In sunniest day, in rainbows light,
No friendless pony shall escape my sight,
All those who'd oppose Celestia's might,
Beware my power, Frienship's Light!

>> No.20703809
File: 490 KB, 900x704, NO PONY ZONE.png [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20703815
File: 228 KB, 640x480, 1287668796031.png [View same] [iqdb]

>Suck my balls

If anyone's the faggot, it's you.

>> No.20703820
File: 28 KB, 504x284, Battler.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Repeat in red! "Magical Lesbian Ponies Exist!"

You can't, can you?


>> No.20703824

Someone needs to come up with a power ring now.

Pink with sparkles.

>> No.20703828
File: 350 KB, 351x319, horsepunch.gif [View same] [iqdb]

ITT: This.

>> No.20703830

Mongo only pawn in game of life.

>> No.20703838
File: 75 KB, 640x360, 128716350071.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20703839

I love you, OP. Will you marry me?

>> No.20703843
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>> No.20703845
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>> No.20703850
File: 103 KB, 640x360, 128716369023.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20703854

New ep can't come fast enough. I don't mind the pony stuff, but...

For the love of crap, stop postin THE SAME IMAGES OVER AND OVER AND OVER!

>> No.20703857
File: 138 KB, 640x360, 128716364864.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20703864

>doing it wrong

Doing it right

>> No.20703885

Wait, what?

>> No.20703948
File: 509 KB, 640x480, ponywishes.png [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20704047

Y'know, fair point. We might as well lay off the ponies until we have a SECOND episode to fap to.

>> No.20704143
File: 135 KB, 1100x590, my_little_4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Does this need colours, or should I go sit in the corner and be ashamed of myself now?

>> No.20704146


>> No.20704148

you should be ashamed

>> No.20704160

A polly pocket cartoon where she inherits the Mightyone's cap and goes on her own adventures with Norman and Vergil, but how can she do that and still maintain a regular teenage social life?

fund it fund it fund it!

>> No.20704162

I find /co/ capability of drawing actually good fanarts of MLP quite... disturbing.

>> No.20704176

Needs colors.

>> No.20704182

it's beautiful

i demand you colour it

>> No.20704193

This is awesome. Colour it and draw more.

The 'resistance only makes my pony harder' sums up the MLP fandom here. The more people complain about it, the more the fans will most. It's like trolling en masse!

Also, /vp/ should be a Ponyta.

>> No.20704202

I like it, but I guess I kinda wanted a few unicorns or pegasus as well.

>> No.20704203

dat /d/. o ogd help me.

>> No.20704205

Who would be suited for being a unicorn or pegasus (or both) though? Those kinda details tend to be forgotten in the creative process.

That said, /d/ needs a dickhorn.

>> No.20704232

From what I hear, a lot of /co/'s drawfags are females, very likely grew up with MLP and have nostalgia for it. That, combined with our regular drawthreads turning into bitchfests full of ungrateful jerks, is a good reason to move over to these casual and fun MLP threads and draw ponies ponies ponies.

At least that's what happened to me, personally. And I'll be drawing stuff for these threads until I get bored. I always have these sporadic fan art bursts when I get excited about some new cartoon, comic, movie, etc, draw fan art for it, and finally drop the thing and move on to other stuff.

I didn't add unicorns or pegasus ponies because I wasn't sure which boards should have such ponies. What do you guys think? Also, do you have suggestions on how the pic could be different? Like, better cutie marks, some board-related accessories lying around on the ground, etc.

Btw behind-the-scenes info:
-/tg/ pony has a neckbeard and is based on a pic some fa/tg/uy did when this show began. Other ponies I came up with on my own.
-/d/ has sodomuffin cutie mark from a Shortpacked comic. I couldn't decide what to draw, so that seemed both cute and terrifying enough.

>> No.20704251

I don't fucking blame you, /co/ drawthreads lately are toxic.

As I said, a /d/ickhorn would be hilarious (and it's not the first I've seen). /tg/ looks kinda... bland compared to the other ones, maybe add some huge shoulder pads or something (40k joke).

And they would look a LOT better coloured. What colour that is, is up to you.

Track down the existing board personifications for ideas.

>> No.20704261

pegasus : international, transportation, travel
unicorns : /a/ (drills obcessions), /d/, weapons, /v/ (robot unicorn attack), /vp/ (rapidash)
cosplay/cgl could probably have some goth black wings, too
anime/cute would have little butterfly wings

>> No.20704272

/d/ would have a unicorn horn, but it's always hidden under huge pixelisation

>> No.20704285

Making ponysonas is surprisingly fun. (beats the shit out of Sonic recolours, I can tell you now)

If all else fails, go to the board and ask what their persona looks like, and watch the fun.

>> No.20704287

Thank you for sticking around.
You may not have figured it out, but one of the same people that are trying to gobble up all the free requests is one of the same people that _really_ hates My Little Ponies (among other things). The fact it gets fan art when the stuff they like doesn't must really chap their ass. By continuing to contribute nice things based on what you like and not be driven off like some drawfags have, you're beating them. :)

Shine on.

>> No.20704312

Considering the MLP official game site seems to barely function and doesn't work at all for me for some reason, it'd be awesome if someone could make a simple Pony Creator program in Flash or such. Same principle as those dress up doll things.

>> No.20704319

You used my /co/ character design!

Although, I think you're right, it works a lot better with just the tie, rather than the whole jacket.

>> No.20704351

A lot of people who do MLP fan art or custom ponies tend to make the ponies clothed. I considered for a while if I should use a jacket for /co/nrad like you did, but eventually went with mostly naked ponies.
The ponies would look much more recognisable and iconic with clothes on, but it just feels a bit weird to me to draw clothed animals, and I always feel like I might as well draw just plain humans.

Also, seapony song has been playing in my head non-stop for a while now. Heh.

>> No.20704354

I'm wondering if /x/ might look better with stockings on all four legs... Possibly not.

And remember, her left eye is black with a red pupil.

Other than that, they look fantastic! Wasn't that /co/nrad design in a thread yesterday? I remember talking about the speech bubble cutie mark.

>> No.20704362

Yeah, good resoning. The jacket was over-complicating things when I drew it, anyway.

I think one of the main things we should be thinking about what colors the board-tans should be. I thought long and hard about it, and decided that /co/nrad would look best as a white pony with a turqoise/bright blue outline.
/x/ should probably be Raven-skin grey, and /b/ should be that peach color of their board.

What about the others?

>> No.20704364

Character Design 101: avoid clutter, less is more.

This is especially prevalent with My Little Pony, the character designs tend to be very simple and would look rather similar if not for the different colours, accessories and other little touches.

>> No.20704370
File: 28 KB, 400x300, 1271755858239.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>/vp/ should be a Ponyta


>> No.20704371

/k/ in camo, of course.

/d/ strikes me as a purple/green.

>> No.20704380

I wondered the same about /x/s stockings while drawing; it felt like it might work and look nicer. I suppose I'll add stockings for the forelegs there.

Yeah, I was definitely inspired by that /co/nrad discussion. Speech bubble was a cool, simplistic suggestion for a cutie mark.

>> No.20704394

I considered adding a bit of Kirby Krackle behind it, but then I thought that was leading it too far into only comics territory. The speech bubble seemed an ample fit for the entirety of the board.

Out of curiosity, what IS /d/'s cutie mark? It looks like a muffin with a penis sticking out of it... When I was pondering the character, I pictured an egg with a tentacle poking out.

>> No.20704422

I think /tg/ should have both wings AND a unicorn horn, representing DnD, or those kinds of things in general.

And also, a d20 die, or something close.

>> No.20704429

As a fa/tg/uy, I vote that the pony has pauldrons. And looks slightly more dorf-y.

Because the three things you get on /tg/ are neckbeard, pauldrons, and dorfs.

>> No.20704430
File: 55 KB, 500x773, 2005-04-11-a_sodomuffin.gif [View same] [iqdb]

Exactly that; a sodomuffin. I've never been to /d/ and I don't really want to, and dunno what would represent the board. So I ripped off another pony somewhere else; pic related, and alternate suggestions for cutie mark welcome.

I was mostly thinking of looking at board-tan pictures and picking colours from their clothes or hair for the pony-tans. Also, forgot to mention this earlier, but I drew curly big hair for /b/ because of that "pool is closed" crap they had going on. So I was thinking of brown colour for /b/. Although, I'm open for any other suggestions too; these ponies are simplistic and fairly quick to draw, and if people feel some pony design in my pic should be scrapped and replaced with a better idea, that's cool too.

>> No.20704466

I like your ideas so far... Please keep my /co/nrad color scheme, though... It will make me happy. :3

A sodomuffin does seem a little out there, though... I'm not sure what else to suggest, but something a pinch more recognizable may be in order.

Back to /b/... While the afro/afro tail are excellent, I think that the peach/red color scheme might look good on him, but you're the boss.

>Captcha: brocame for

Sort of fun?

>> No.20704517

One last thought... A penis horn on /d/ might be fun, but I actually think that a constant censor bar would be kinda funny!

>> No.20704523

/tg/ should have a d10 or a d20, not a d6 as a cutie mark, jus saying.

>> No.20704541
File: 12 KB, 288x300, template tg pony.png [View same] [iqdb]

I had to google "pauldron", and I'm still unsure what "dorf" is. The reason /tg/ pony is kinda plain in my pic is because I barely know anything about the board; I pretty much only browse /co/. I wanted to draw /tg/ pony simply because it existed, but I didn't know which accessories the pony should have. Like, does "Traditional games" mean you guys play chess and such things, and what kinds of equipment do you need for roleplaying anyway, and so on.
Again, suggestions welcome for pony accessories (also, reference pics or links can be helpful if you're talking about things that someone who doesn't venture outside /co/ is unlikely to know about).

I agree about the sodomuffin; it was more of a placeholder image and a /co/-related injoke and didn't really have much to do with /d/. I think I'll change it to the egg-and-tentacle idea that was suggested.

I was thinking the same, and only drew a regular dice because the original /tg/ pony had one (pic related)

>> No.20704586
File: 169 KB, 738x800, dwakob.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


A dorf is a dumb spelling for "dwarf". Y'know, these fantasy little dudes, big beards, love alcohol and gold. /tg/ loves 'em.

pic related, its a dwarf and a kobold

>> No.20704604


Here's a good explanation of why /tg/ loves pauldrons.

"Dorf" is shortened slang for Dwarf, and refers to /tg/'s love of Dwarves in general, as well as the game Dwarf Fortress. Just go with a short, neckbearded pony, possibly with those ruffle thingies on near the hooves. Y'know, that fancy-looking fringe crap you get on Clydesdales and proper shaggy ponies.

>> No.20704606

Except for /tg/ needing a d20 die (Pic related), they all look fantastic.

Maybe you should throw /sci/ in there, with a mad-scientist, evil goggles, and a test tube as his cutie mark.

>> No.20704611
File: 34 KB, 875x573, 4chan_sci.png [View same] [iqdb]

By the way, /sci/ looks like this

>> No.20704667

Today's the day, /co/

>> No.20704695

in my mind, Twitchy of Robot Unicorn Attack is revered by the ponies as a Superman figure.
o/` Allllways o/`

>> No.20704700
File: 218 KB, 800x600, mylittlepony_IDontWantToLiveOnTheMoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

I know! I'm excited!

It probably won't happen, but I hope to fucking GOD that Nightmare Moon ends up as a recurring villain.

>> No.20704726

It's on at 1pm?
Weird time. The target demographic is in school.

>> No.20704750

2pm Eastern, actually.

>> No.20704778
File: 294 KB, 513x471, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb]

will there be torrents up later? I'll be at work...

>> No.20704784

It'll be on youtube shortly after it airs.

>> No.20704788

I wish there was some real time streaming of this channel somewhere.

>> No.20704792

Looks like it's up to us to carry the day!

And as I said, if you're unsure about the various board ponies, best to ask that particular board. You'll get enough sarcastic advice to work with.

>> No.20704794

Hopefully, we'll be able to get a single-file download this time around.

Is that Pony Board-Tan drawfag still around?

>> No.20704800
File: 75 KB, 263x266, 1-36.png [View same] [iqdb]

Ohai guise, I don't think I finished uploading all those reaction pics, good see they're being used though.

Anyone remember where I was up to?

>> No.20704821
File: 455 KB, 631x361, MLP_alcoholism.png [View same] [iqdb]

And then Twilight Sparkle decided it was a good day to pick up drinking.

Five months later, she and Tony Stark get married in Las Vegas.

>> No.20704833

I really think you can judge the quality of a cartoon by how many reaction pics you can make from it.

>> No.20704837




>> No.20704847

Well, the new MLP cartoon is stuffed to the fucking BRIM with reaction images. Twilight Sparkle alone is worth an entire folder.

>> No.20704848


>> No.20704852

an then Tony offers her he own suit? fund it!

>> No.20704856
File: 68 KB, 253x258, 1-34.png [View same] [iqdb]


Evil scientist? Are you sure it shouldn't be a gay engineer instead hurrhurr.

>> No.20704887

I'd post the image but it turns out the last MLP thread is still alive

>> No.20704895

I could imagine a part after the end of that episode.
"Yup. Good time indeed."

>> No.20704901
File: 7 KB, 204x204, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20704909

Yep, still kind of lurking around; I always bookmark MLP threads and check them out every now and then. I got a bunch of material to work on from these talks and I'm currently doodling on Photoshop. Editing some details and adding a couple of new 4chan ponies into the pic.

I don't wanna make promises on how soon you'll get to see an updated pic with colours and extra ponies; it's not as fun to draw when you have to meet some kind of schedule or deadline. I might finish the pic today or later. I'm not all that busy right now, but I might get distracted by something and go do non-pony-related things.

>> No.20704912

That was the first thing I thought when I saw this scene... Looked like a bottle of booze at first.

>> No.20704925


Need some help? I might be able to lend a hand drawing some if you want <:

>> No.20704930

that's probably the joke.jpg

>> No.20704937

Are you doing any work on My Little Cromartie?

>> No.20704941

I wouldn't have blamed her if it WAS alcohol. She does her best to prevent the end of daylight from happening, and those vapid whores ruined everything.

>> No.20704944

Another good cartoon sign, and a McCracken signature: getting adult content and naughty jokes past the censors at every opportunity.

>> No.20704957

Oh, didn't mean to rush... Just hoping you were still around.
As it should always be, your drawfagging is greatly appreciated, and worth the wait.
Besides, we're here for fun, not deadlines.

>> No.20704965

Do you have the version of this where her eyes are facing the camera?

>> No.20704990

I like how in a world with mostly equine creatures who lack fingers, a lot of objects still appear to be made for those that do have them.

>> No.20705001
File: 54 KB, 203x195, 1-01.png [View same] [iqdb]


Not really, in that scene she looks to the left then to the right :7 with the exact same expression. Did you have a specific scene in mind?

>> No.20705023

That was what I was talking about, the exact same face with the eyes pointed at the audience, if it's not too much trouble.

>> No.20705034
File: 94 KB, 1585x783, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Nah, I'm good; I rarely do any collab art and prefer to work alone (and I read that in Batman's voice in my head while typing).
AFAIK, board-tans are allowed to be used by anyone, so if you feel like you'd wanna draw them as ponies, that'd be cool! We already got a /co/nrad pony and my pic, but it could be fun to get more.

I'm not very familiar with that stuff so nope :[
This guy in the pic is from Cromartie, right? Posting because it seems on-topic.

No worries, sorry if I sounded like I took your post as rushing, because I didn't. I simply wanted to say that stuff about deadlines etc. because it seemed like an informative and relevant thing to say for people waiting for the pic.

>> No.20705044

Beat me to it. Now explain the catastrophe that is the heavy metal version.

>> No.20705050

You know what? I like you, anon.

Just in case our paths cross again, I'm throwing my trip up there. By the way, I was the one who drew /co/nrad yesterday.

>> No.20705056

And forgot the trip... Hurr, durr

>> No.20705061
File: 65 KB, 468x412, vp.png [View same] [iqdb]


Oh dw, I can't do collabs either, just thought you might want help coming up with designs or somewhat seeing as anon are on the edge of their seats for your designs.

Anyway, meet a sketchy /vp/

>> No.20705065
File: 20 KB, 349x565, twilight.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20705071

That's it! Thank you!

>> No.20705081

I know it was the obvious choice, but seeing that Pok'eball on there is still fun.

>> No.20705090
File: 76 KB, 253x265, 1-41.png [View same] [iqdb]


Sorry mate, the scene doesn't flow from eyes pointing right to left D:

>> No.20705102


Argh, beat me to it anon!


Yeah, obvious unimaginative choice but what else are you going to put there?

>> No.20705134

Nice and perfect. Sure it's predictable, but that's just because it's so fitting.

It'll probably look better with a little colour. Why not make it a shiny? (Blue flames)

>> No.20705185

Hello there! I never really pay much attention to name fields on these boards unless if some namefag is either notoriously nasty or just plain awesome. But yeah, learned today that a tripfag called Cheddah seems cool too, so have a virtual handshake :)

Ah, okays, that sounds neat! The reason I posted the uncoloured pic in the first place was because I was hoping for people to brainstorm some ideas I could draw into existence, so if you have any thoughts, I'm always all ears.

I like your Ponyta, looks so cute! And I like the idea of a pokeball cutie mark. I'm doodling Ponyta myself here and I was wondering whether to just draw Ponyta with MLP anatomy or also add a cutie mark... and then I couldn't think of any cutie mark ideas. Now I feel like saying "d'oh!" about the fact I didn't think of pokeballs even though they're so obvious and awesome choice.
...and double-d'oh after reading other people commenting on how very obvious and predictable it is to pick a pokeball. Hehe.

Btw: I want to draw /v/ and /a/ ponies because they're major boards. But their board-tans are somewhat plain in character design, and I find it difficult to think of how to make ponies represent their board. Ideas?

>> No.20705186


Right, attempting to colour now!

>> No.20705199

Less than four more hours!

>> No.20705224

/a/ seems to share the pony love (they keep saying something about how /co/ has finally gotten into moe) so they'll probably have a lot of suggestions for you.

/v/ should be... interesting.

>> No.20705275

> learned today that a tripfag called Cheddah seems cool

Cool? I'm cool?! When did this happen?

/a/'s pony should look like herself, but perhaps have the Japanese flag as a cutie mark... Or Astro Boy's head, perhaps.

As for /v/, same deal, but with a gameboy as his mark... And a look of disdain on his face.

>> No.20705285
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Go right ahead, I should be studying for uni exams now so I'm not planning on contributing much.

You could always just ask the boards? If not, /a/ would be... hmm... I don't know actually...

/v/ I was thinking robot unicorn attack with a game controller as the cutie mark.

Shiny coloured ponyta pony done :P

>> No.20705291

Isn't /a/ a trap?

>> No.20705297



>> No.20705301

Now that looks great! And yeah, /v/ could very well be Robot Unicorn Attack.

On that note, /m/ is a giant robot unicorn (or a unicorn in a giant robot unicorn) with a drill horn. No idea on the symbol. Feel free to go nuts with the robot design.

>> No.20705310


Hey Chedda :P Your /co/nrad was a great creation!

Also an idea for /a/, maybe mix it up with the better known animes? Like Gurren Laggen glasses or Naruto headband and a massive katana strapped to its back...

>> No.20705313

/v/ should be forever bitching and raging at insignificant shit.

>> No.20705327


Can't wait to see how /vp/ reacts.

>> No.20705333

/v/ is a pegasus or unicorn constantly bitching about "casual ponies" (earth ponies).

>> No.20705346


FUCK I WISH. All my years and loyal to Pokemon since the beginning and I NEVER encountered a shiny... EVER.

My little sister however caught her first one as her FIRST encountered Pokemon in HG and has since caught two more D8< WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?!

>> No.20705350

/c/ should be small, shetland sized and constantly following /a/ around trying get her attention.

>> No.20705354

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AlhaJF5Afw skip to :37

>> No.20705370


Well if you want to distinguish a different between the two robot ponies, /m/ should be one with a more gundamn inspired design and /v/ more homage to robot unicorn attack?

I'd love to draw /m/ as more Transformer like but they never talk Transformers there D:

>> No.20705373

>No idea on the symbol

Autobot/Decepticon emblem? Or do those count?

Also, unless we're doing this on purpose, we're doing the board-tans, not drawings based on ponies from each respective board, aren't we?

I don't even know anymore... -_-

>> No.20705390

>we're doing the board-tans, not drawings based on ponies from each respective board, aren't we?

>> No.20705392

Whichever is more convenient. Some board-tans don't translate to pony form well, and in cases like /vp/ there's a specific idea that works so well in this instance.

>> No.20705405

...on that note, are Transformers /m/, /a/ or /co/?

>> No.20705414

Yes. Also /toy/.

>> No.20705446
File: 35 KB, 280x287, m.png [View same] [iqdb]

FUUUU screw designing /m/ I'm going to bed. Good luck with future designs guys, someone keep tabs on ideas too.

More importantly, someone download episode 2 to upload later D:

>> No.20705541

Thank you so much! It's my first time drawfagging, and plain drawing anything in many years... Hopefully, it won't be the last.

>> No.20705570

Well, time to go, all. I'll see you soon, and enjoy that episode!

>> No.20705645
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less than three hours left

>> No.20705758

...come to think of it, MLP can go in /toy/ too.

This could get interesting.

>> No.20705795

All the episodes of everything airing on The Hub can be found at http://www.hubworld.com/videos/episodes

>> No.20705946
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>> No.20705961

needs a /v/ pony. and an /a/ pony also. :v

>> No.20705990


>> No.20706030

My little /co/ny :3

>> No.20706035


>> No.20706306

2 more hours.

Oh man, the anticipation. ;_;

>> No.20706335


>> No.20706450

it was the good unicorn all along, playing a prank to her pony servants.

>> No.20706461


The problem with suggesting Naruto is that /a/ hates the show. The Gurren Laggen glasses aren't a bad idea though.

>> No.20706492


Wow, if that were true...maximum trolling right there.

>> No.20706512

In b4 Hub shows the eps out of order.

Hey, they've already done it with their reruns.

>> No.20706518

How many people will be able to watch the episode live on TV when it begins? I won't, and now I'm wondering if I should stay out of MLP threads until the ep has been posted online and I've seen it (I hate spoilers).

>> No.20706591
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>> No.20706608
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>> No.20706626

>click link
>No results for magical lesbian ponies
>What no beatoriche

>> No.20706636

I think it clashes with the opening ceremony of Blizzcon?

Which do I watch live? Assuming of course that links to livestreams of both of them are given.

>> No.20706794
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When is it oooooonnnn?

>> No.20706804

Hour and a half-ish?

>> No.20706822

But... but... I'm in class right now.

>> No.20706832
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>> No.20706964
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>> No.20706994


>> No.20707031
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Rarity exists merely for fanservice.

>> No.20707040
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Just in case there's anyone who still didn't notice this. I personally will be rewatching the new episode with my eyes peeled.

These ponies are tricky.

>> No.20707047


The existance of Saddlebags implies the existance of Saddles. Yet the only time we've seen one of the ponies being ridden, Spike didn't use a saddle.

>> No.20707057

is it just mean or is Rarity the chubby pony?

>> No.20707061

My younger brother noticed it right off the bat.

>> No.20707072

Saddles are considered formal wear. Play the online game.

>> No.20707105


>> No.20707130

Noooo, Rarity is maybe my favorite. rarityxfluttershy is my OTP.

>> No.20707132


>> No.20707148

Really? I kinda like ApplejackxRainbowdash
or TwilightSparklexNightmaremoon in the sense of sladexrobin apprentice shipping

>> No.20707170

I'm bored out of my mind. I'm gonna go play Rocket: Robot on Wheels for an hour. I'm sure I'll find the new thread easily enough.

>> No.20707188

Oh yes. Rarity with Fluttershy would be an excellent combo of sub/dom.

I do like the idea of ApplejackxRainbowdash, though.

>> No.20707199
File: 65 KB, 640x480, deadhorse.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

I jack off at cute little poniez

>> No.20707235

woah nostalgia bomb...

>> No.20707238

But then there is the applejack orgy theory...you know the one that has to deal with the WHOLE apple gang.

Captcha: prewai regret

I have none captcha

>> No.20707252

Well, they are southern after all. I wouldn't be terribly surprised to find out that everypony was everypony else's cousin.

>> No.20707258

I ship Fluttershy/Big Mac, Twilight Sparkle/Chariot Drawer #1 and Rarity/Chariot Drawer #2

No Inter-species, Heterosexual Only, Final Destination.

>> No.20707260


Saddles are a legacy of ancient times, when the ponies were enslaved. Princess Celestia and Nightmare Moon were born of the ponies' own secret crossbreeding projects - hence their freakish size and proportions in addition to their power - and threw down the cruel gods of nature to take their place as the movers of the heavens.

The bloody conflict between the old gods' followers and the ponies was filled with such carnage that the two heavenly ponies commanded the history be purged, and cast a spell which blotted out their followers' memories and turned them into vapid happyjoy whores. As a side-effect of the magic, all the male ponies were inadvertently lobotomized and lost their capacity for speech. Equestria was founded and magic used to turn it into a place of perfect wonder and plenty, the old buildings and devices of the Old Masters kept preserved forever for the ponies' use. The rest of the world was left in ruins...

But the post-traumatic stress of the war eventually led Nightmare Moon to go insane, preserving the night for want of companionship despite the eventual destruction of all life it would bring. When she was imprisoned, Princess Celestia's power alone was no longer enough, and in time, all the sisters enchantments are beginning to wear off. First the appearance of a young pony no longer affected by the spell of forgetfulness and bliss-ignorance, and then the prison of Nightmare Moon...

>> No.20707281

Problem with hetero shipping is you soon run out of options. Kind of dull.

As for Spike, we all know he's a pimp so it goes without saying that he's tapping everything that stays still long enough.

>> No.20707295
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>> No.20707300


>> No.20707316



>> No.20707324
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More like

>"Special tier"
>Pinkie Pie

>> No.20707336
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>> No.20707377
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>> No.20707379
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>> No.20707390
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>> No.20707394

Ok, so guys. What do you think are the chances of the new episode starting with a voiceover and montage of "LAST TIME ON MY LITTLE PONY..."

>> No.20707420



>> No.20707457

So... can the male ponies actually talk? The chariot drivers only snorted and whinnied when Twilight thanked them for the ride. Or are they somehow second class citizens relegated to manual labor for their subdued color schemes and limited mental faculties?

>> No.20707479
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>applejack in low tier

>> No.20707500


Yep, they are slaves, used for manual labour and breeding only.

>> No.20707504


the men due to their limited cognitive abilities are limited to menial tasks such as pulling a carriage or sex slave. i am ok with this.

>> No.20707540


The pony who introduces Princess Celestia (was she given a name?) welcomes both the ladies and gentlecolts.

>> No.20707548

Genltecolts are the designated lesbians.

>> No.20707550

I am also okay with this, I was just wondering if /co/ had come to the same conclusions I had.

>> No.20707566

Probably instead of hiring 2 grown male voices, the just put in neighs and snorts to conserve money. Usually you can have one voice actor change their voice a bit to make a new character, but the only male voice actor on the show (Spike's voice actor IS male right?) is probably only in his early teens.

>> No.20707590

>Spike's voice actor IS male right?
I can promise you that's a no without even looking it up. Don't you know a woman's voice when you hear one?

>> No.20707606
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nope, this is spike

>> No.20707617

That only further validates my point. So either all of these people in here are feminists females, or males who have a fetish to being looked down upon. Dear dear /co/... what has become of you...

>> No.20707624
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>> No.20707648

Young boys are often voiced by women. Bobby Hill, Bart Simpson, Jimmy Neutron, Milo Oblong, etc.

>> No.20707658


>> No.20707663

>watching new Strawberry Shortcake

Huh. Are the berry girls the only human-like beings in this world? If so, how do they reproduce? One assumes they are part vegetable(How does that work?)so do they have pollen?

>> No.20707664

I don't really watch many animated cartoons or anything of the like so this is new to me. But that wasn't really my main point anyway.

>> No.20707676

Ugh, that fucking game. The thing to keep in mind is that the positions of the candy supplies shuffle periodically (at least in hard mode)

>> No.20707696



Something is not right here

>> No.20707697

That fucking game has three settings
I Love Lucy

>> No.20707720
File: 95 KB, 256x400, 653339089_eab4741ce9_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

I haven't seen the new one.
Has Huckleberry Pie been omitted?

>> No.20707784

Who? There's a male Berrykin?
Fruit. Sorry.

>> No.20707807

I lol'd hard.

>> No.20707919

What's the countdown at?

>> No.20707994
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>I Love Lucy

That was funny.

>> No.20708007

Anybody gonna stream it?

>> No.20708030

Not animal or mineral

>> No.20708033

This is it. It's finally here. ;_;

>> No.20708045
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60 seconds!

>> No.20708088


I'll see you /co/mrades at the next commercial break

>> No.20708102

>no livestream


>> No.20708106
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>mfw its on and my dorm doesnt have the channel

>> No.20708117
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New thread here:

Wrap it up, guys.

>> No.20708224

One does not "wrap up" a pony thread at 270 posts.

>> No.20708457
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>> No.20708481

Is that /toy/ or /co/lette?

>> No.20708991
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>> No.20709379

/co/..I am disappoint.

>> No.20710672
File: 69 KB, 500x284, pu.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Wait a second

Unicorns don't have wings.

And Pegasi don't have horns.

What manner of abomination are these creatures?

>> No.20711057

Hybrids. Or maybe mothers of all others, who didn't inherit all qualities.

>> No.20711358
File: 75 KB, 387x254, mprd.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Rainbow Dash compliments herself in the third person

>> No.20711386
File: 69 KB, 359x480, Oh, baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

That's a pretty cute setup. With a couple upgrades...

>> No.20711476
File: 26 KB, 300x403, Seawinkle.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

adult sea ponies > baby sea ponies. prove me wrong.

>> No.20711499

>>20710672 Unicorns don't have wings. And Pegasi don't have horns. What manner of abomination are these creatures?

Gods. Or Demigods at least.

>> No.20711511

>watching from a dorm
Oh man, wouldn't it be hilarious if your roommate caught you watching MLP? You'd have to fucking move out.

>> No.20711546


>> No.20711630

Still no upload yet?
This is not very magical.

>> No.20711813



>> No.20711860

Gosh, I hope you're a girl.

>> No.20711876


>> No.20711890



>> No.20711940

I only have two ponies (plus a couple of really ugly bootleg/ripoff ponies). I'm very jelly here now :(

>> No.20712005

Please someone put this on the tubes, Licketysplit.

>> No.20712027

I knowwww, I had a kind of a MLP craze in my awkward early teens... then I got really embarrassed because of them and stuffed the poor things in my closet. I should really think of a better place to put them in, there are vintage ponies in there and everything, I shouldn't be so mean to them ):

>> No.20712055
File: 196 KB, 738x500, mpao.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

I think I've just about perfected my system. Stopped at 1158 points because I needed a break.

Still only 4 kindness sparkles

>> No.20712143

Have you seen Toy Story movies, especially the third one? Because god, that movie made me feel terrible about stuffing my old toys in the closet

I feel happy I never sold away my ponies, Littlest Pet Shop and other toys; I can still have a bunch of nostalgia with them even today. But after seeing Toy Story 3... I kinda feel guilty about my toys sitting in the dark, lonely closet.

>> No.20712244
File: 20 KB, 245x262, 1284764854677.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>clean out closet
>throw a bunch of old and broken toys away
>meet up with friends
>wind up seeing Toy Story 3
>my face

>> No.20712246

So is the JEM remake out yet?

>> No.20712257

Kindness sparkles are a bitch.


Tips /co/ has figured out.

The minigames have two purposes: points and sparkles. Sparkles help towards getting your cutie mark, points unlock more dress-up options for your pony. If you want to get the cutie mark as fast as possible, you will get more sparkles by purposefully losing the games early on and starting them over and over again. Play higher difficulties if you can: they give you more point for dress-up, and you lose them faster for sparkles.

An easy source for Generosity and Loyalty sparkles. Just save your partner a few times. Rain clouds are no big deal as long as you have some sort of downward momentum. Higher difficulties mean more rain clouds.

A terrible source for points, but a fast way to get Laughter sparkles. Don't worry about the boxes, just keep clicking one of the dishes and dropping the food. Pinkie will come out to refill it. Feed Pinkie candy a few times to get the sparkles. Higher difficulties mean a faster belt.

A good source of Honesty sparkles. It's a poor source for Kindness, but it's also the only reliable source for Kindness. Kindness is a bitch. If you run Applejack's retard cousins off about 5 or 6 times, you'll get 4 Kindness sparkles. That's the max you can get, so if you're grinding Kindness you'll restart this one a lot. Baskets of apples can be planted to make new trees with the same color apples you planted them with. Use this to get more red apples and avoid greens. Higher difficulties mean apples decay faster.

>> No.20712308

Apple colors will not change unless you actually deliver baskets from that tree

>> No.20712324

So what I learned from this episode was that apparently all Hal Jordan ever needed to defeat Sinestro was a goddamn sense of humour.

>> No.20712340

Shame he doesn't have one.

>> No.20712362
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