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/co/ - Comics & Cartoons

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File: 20 KB, 442x296, heykidwannaLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb]
20468183 No.20468183 [Reply] [Original]

Did you notice how, when she was talking, she kept switching between different tones and emotions? Sarcastic, amused, then sort of pissed off. And she had this weird movement like she was trying to be regal and dignified, but then the next moment she was zipping back and forth and touching people. Also the maniacal laughter. I think she's nuts. Maybe multiple personalities?

She was probably more sane before she was imprisoned for a thousand years; in the flashback she looked more subdued, though that may have just been the style. Still, what the fuck Princess Celestia? Your sister throws a snit about not being appreciated, which she actually really isn't, so you IMPRISON HER FOR ALL ETERNITY? And since you've clearly not given her a moment's thought ever since, she's been alone all that time? She's doing well not to be a complete lunatic. Ha ha, see what I did there? So Princess Celestia, it's really all your fault. I mean, if you were strong enough to imprison Nightmare Moon, why not just overpower her magic to make the sun come up anyway?

I love it.

tl;dr: OMG moral mabiguity in my little pony

>> No.20468208

I cannot believe there was a cliffhanger at the end of My Little Pony.

A cliffhanger I was intrigued with.

When is the next ep?

>> No.20468296


I don't know, but I'm sure /co/ will start talking before it does. And then I will watch it.


>> No.20468450

God help me, I like it.

>> No.20469112

oh man are we reading depth into cartoons again

that is my favorite game

>> No.20469852

Ok, let's see, what support can we bring up to make Princess Celestia the real villain?

1) When she had an argument with her sister that wasn't resolved by whining about it (instead of actually doing something, like getting a few ponies to stay out for a while every night), she used an unfair advantage to bung her in the slammer, alone for all eternity, depriving her of the only thing she wanted in the first place (a bit of attention).

2) She immediately seizes all power for herself and then starts a yearly festival all about how awesome she is.

3) She lets all the men of the kingdom remain uneducated and oppressed, apparently either sending away or killing off most of them because, wow, gender imbalance. And you only need a few, right?

4) When her student tells her about a prophecy of doom that she was presumably around to hear of when it was made in the first place, she brushes her off with a pat on the head and some chores after telling her not to be silly. But that's more dumb than malevolent.

So, in general: she's a bitch!

All hail Nightmare Moon!

>> No.20469888

You know we are in the dark ages of cartoons when My Little Pony is actually compelling.

>> No.20469907

People like you are so fucking aggressively retarded. It's not "reading in depth", it's describing the events of the story.


>> No.20469940

/co/, this pony thing you're going through right now is a little unsettling.

>> No.20469946

anyone have a link?

>> No.20469978

I swear, Nightmare Moon has got to be someone's mother. Possibly Twilight Sparkle. That could explain why she is being mentored by Celestia, in order to keep Nightmare Moon's closest blood relative under control.

>> No.20470000
File: 120 KB, 250x250, 1286672050974.png [View same] [iqdb]

>Watching My Little Pony

>> No.20470006


>> No.20470015

oh fuck

that's actually pretty likely

>> No.20470031

yo I'm only watching this shit for the /ss/ pony that wants to fuck the baby dragon, I'm totally normal

>> No.20470032

Nice quads, but you haven't even watched it. It's surprisingly better than I thought it would be. I'm not going to keep watching it but I was surprised at the quality. Especially considering how terrible cartoons aimed at girls are.

>> No.20470055

wait a sec

what the hell is this

is this just a "My Little Pony" cartoon that aired years ago or is there actually some new one that makes it somewhat relevant.

>> No.20470064


New shoe, premiered today.

>> No.20470091

Brand new, only one episode so far.

>> No.20470110

that's nice and all but

>My Little Pony

>> No.20470135


There's a new one.

See >>20470006

>> No.20470210

I want to stroke her prehensile energy mane.

>> No.20470239

I had two sisters and no male friends before I started school. I fucking loved My Little Pony. Rainbow Bright was good too.

>> No.20470245

>wow, gender imbalance
I find it funny how, in pretty much any other cartoon (as well as other mediums), if the same unbalance was kept but the genders reversed, no one would notice or care.

>> No.20470262
File: 50 KB, 570x402, Transformers Prime Bulkhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


Yeah, but the new Transformers doesn't air until November so we gotta work with Ponies for the time being.

>> No.20470268


Oh man, that'd be awesome. But... she's been stuck in a moon for a thousand years! I dunno how that's supposed to work. Some sort of time travel would be involved, maybe. Or magical sleep or something.

I wonder if the two-parted will resolve the whole thing, or if they'll keep Nightmare Moon as a recurring villain? They'd do well to have one, at least sometimes.

>> No.20470274

I've watched three minutes of it so far.

Part of me is actually surprised that it's made me half-way interested in watching already.

The other part doesn't want to bring myself to actually watch a My Little Pony cartoon.

>> No.20470321
File: 14 KB, 320x240, Raven 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

So Twilight Sparkle is Raven?

>> No.20470370

we need some 34 of Twilight's giant horse cock reaming Raven's tight rarely used vagina

>> No.20470396

Well damn, didn't notice that.

>> No.20470411

Twilight Sparkle and Raven are both voiced by Tara Strong. Your mind is blown.

>> No.20470430

I was thinking Daria.

>> No.20470441

Someone link to the second part of the episode, I can't find it on YouTube.

>> No.20470482

Your tube-fu is weak, but here.


>> No.20470502


If you already watched that then that's it. You have to wait for the next episode.

>> No.20470509
File: 1.21 MB, 1021x575, spo.png [View same] [iqdb]

>>Twilight Sparkle
>>mfw subtle Twilight satire on My Little Motehrfucking Pony

>> No.20470538

every female is voiced by tara strong though.

>> No.20470552
File: 8 KB, 320x203, somoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Fluttershine is so cute.

>> No.20470577

definitely the best female pedophile in modern animatino

>> No.20470657
File: 113 KB, 525x277, Miss-Charlotte-Party-Planning-Tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

You really think that, anon?

>> No.20470664
File: 141 KB, 1361x713, notpossible.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>mfw when i actually enjoyed a my little pony episode

>> No.20470704
File: 12 KB, 384x269, Pony.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


Oh, you

>> No.20470739

Stop it /co/.

You're creeping me out.

>> No.20470744

Best to worst

Nightmare Moon
Rainbow Dash
Twilight Sparkle

That's right, I just made a best to worst list for the ponies of MLP. Deal with it.
Pinky Pie

>> No.20470767


I didn't watch it, but you have to admit, these ponies are DAMNED cute.

>> No.20470782
File: 24 KB, 445x302, princesscelazyia.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


For serious, just look at her. She's NOT DOING ANYTHING. Not holding court, not resolving disputes, no writing missives to foreign dignitaries, just SITTING ON HER ASS. On her solid gold throne in a castle perched on flimsy supports directly above a populated town, with fountains and stained glass windows and guards. Guards, Celestia? Seriously? WHO IS GOING TO ATTACK YOU, YOU CAN SET THE FUCKING HEAVENS IN MOTION. Lovely monopoly on power you have there. And I note that you have carefully selected a matching pair, and weighed them down in solid gold armour, too.

NM Moon is crazy and all, but at least she's competent enough to wear armour that appears to be made of steel or at least iron. You know, armour that ACTUALLY WORKS AS ARMOUR.


>> No.20470783

>Applejack before Rarity
What the heck? Applejack sucks.

>> No.20470790

oh god, best typo ever. I can't believe I actually did that. Also, Pinky Pie should be above that last part but who cares.

>> No.20470800
File: 62 KB, 500x683, 2769523680_df67df7e81_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Still beating that dead horse?

>> No.20470811
File: 164 KB, 639x357, horsecock.png [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20470834

I seriously thought both those mistakes were intentional.

>> No.20470880

My only hope is that there aren't constant threads on this for every new episode.

Hopefully I can forget about it... and not actually continue watching this.

>> No.20470916

It's gonna be the new Adventure Time. Instead of being full of boyish fun it's now girly fun.

never change /co/

>> No.20470923

So all the male horses are slaves and guards who probably can't even talk?

>> No.20470970


do you read homestuck?
Do you honestly think they will /not/ make a thread every updade?
Seriously (owait on a chanlololol) what.

>> No.20471000

Marcelline would totally enjoy being drawn as a pony.

>> No.20471001



>> No.20471030

no I just mean

I hope this cartoon doesn't interest /co/ enough to keep up with it.

I mean there's this but I'm hoping that it's just a one-time case of boredom, and not something people are going to have a lasting interest in.

>> No.20471034


Their vocal chords and testicles were ripped out.
The helmets are to cover the lobotomy scars and the real heroine is actually the dark pony, not the light one.
The book the other pony was reading at the beggining only contained lies.

>> No.20471052


Princess Bubblegum is pretty much a My Little Pony name to begin with.

>> No.20471074


Man, if the story ends up with a lesson about real harmony, like that the two godpony sisters are both actually equally bad and need the other to balance out, and you need to appreciate everything even if it's not something that's your personal favourite? That could well make it the best damn thing ever.

Probably not going to happen, though. Closest we're likely to get is some sort of redemption thing for NM Moon.

>> No.20471098
File: 13 KB, 164x164, 1261585787581.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


So what if that happens? Just ignore/hide the treads.


>> No.20471124

I don't think you understand my concern.

I want it to be a one-time thing, because I don't want to remember it. Because if I remember it I'll keep watching it.

>> No.20471142

Live action movie adaptation scheduled for next summer.

>> No.20471145



>> No.20471156
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>> No.20471174


The thing is, if NM Moon doesn't get some kind of redemption, the options are 1) Kill her and 2) Stick her back in the moon. The first isn't going to happen, and the second is so grimdark when you think about it that it's awesome. I mean, was she aware those thousand years, or in some kind of magical sleep? Which would be worse, considering that it's forever?

>> No.20471196
File: 52 KB, 898x348, 1282259631465.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

This thread is frightening.

W...we can still go back guys...let's just forget this thread ever happened and go back to talking about awesome manly stuff like The Goon or Green Lantern...Please?

>> No.20471202


There's only 1 episode, & I watched it, & I don't remember a pony named Rarity. Who is she?

>> No.20471222
File: 85 KB, 1280x800, draculaura~.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

You might as well accept it.
Hell, with the way things are going, I don't think this is going to be forgotten any time soon
At least you'll be among friends~

>> No.20471234


I bet they keep some male ponies locked up in a dungeon somewhere for breeding purposes.

My Little Pony is fucking hardcore if you think about it.

>> No.20471246

inb4 Nightmare Moon becomes /co/'s next Marceline/Frankie/etc.


>> No.20471260

What if the ponies had some giant robots, and giant monsters to fight?

>> No.20471274

>I mean there's this but I'm hoping that it's just a one-time case of boredom, and not something people are going to have a lasting interest in.

Yeah, 'cause I'll never get tired of Adventure Time and Homestruck.

Oh god. GOD!

>> No.20471297
File: 527 KB, 1726x1226, PonyGaogaigar.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


THen you'll need THIS.

>> No.20471299

Okay, just finished watching both parts of Ep. 1

And...it's good. Actually quite well done.


>> No.20471304

And now we are all femanons.
Just as planned.

>> No.20471311

She's the one with diamonds on her butt that gave Twilight Sparkle a makeover.

>> No.20471314


What but this is awesome and manly!

Did you not see the part where the giant horse with all the powers of darkness was sealed away for a thousand years of solitude, and then came back mad for revenge and threatening to destroy all life? That's what turning off the sun would do.

Dammit, the more I think about this show, the more grim it gets!

>> No.20471325

Needs more violence.

>> No.20471345
File: 57 KB, 473x500, rage.png [View same] [iqdb]

"Son, what are you watchin' in he-"

>> No.20471348

Oh please. There are no males. They replicate like those "lesbian" parthenogenetic lizards, mounting one another and mimicking male behavior in order to induce asexual reproduction.


>> No.20471349

Wait, people genuinely like this?

And not...ironically or anything?

>> No.20471357
File: 131 KB, 400x800, wuts goin on this thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>/co/ discussing my little pony
>adult men actually WATCHING my little pony

>> No.20471410

There are males. But strangely none of them have spoken at all. Even when given the opportunity to reply to a statement, two male chariot driving ponies just whinnied. It's creepy.

>> No.20471413

Can't help but think of sailor moon after watching this

>> No.20471419
File: 7 KB, 251x203, 1286152858107.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


Nice job automatically assuming everyone's an adult male here.

>> No.20471433


Don't worry, the violence will come when all plant life has died and the ponies must turn to eating other animals and, eventually, each other.

Then Nightmare Moon, being immortal, will rule over an empty, darkness where even the wind no longer blows, with the bones of all creatures lying in the dirt, their skulls upturned to finally appreciate her perfect, beautiful night.

>> No.20471438

Actually she's the one on the left in OP's pic

>> No.20471440

First Monster High and now this. You are turning me into a little girl /co/.

>> No.20471451

>>20471357 adult men

Well, you got the first part right... >_>

sorry for being on your internet.

>> No.20471454

If the sexes were reversed in that scene, womens' rights groups would be demanding bloodshed.

>> No.20471524

So besides the guard horses, does anyone have screencaps of what appeared to be other male horses in the show?

>> No.20471526

Rainbow Dash is the best pony. There, I fucking said it. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to cry myself to sleep over what I've become.

>> No.20471527

i'm pretty sure this is all to sell my little pony toys and nothing else /co/...

>> No.20471530


>>Male guards
>>Big Macintosh


>> No.20471534
File: 66 KB, 1280x800, draculaura~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>No mention whatsoever of Ruby Gloom

/co/ was ALREADY the little girl prior to My Little Pony
They just blossomed into young women

>> No.20471538

That's the point.
Next is the makeover.

>> No.20471613
File: 20 KB, 444x333, bee weiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

They're like bees.

They mate once, and during the copulation their genitalia are ripped off and continue to pump semen into the queen pony for some time, to continue fertilizing eggs long after the male has died.

>> No.20471636

Someone needs to draw Ruby Gloom and company as students in Monster High.

Oh my god what have I become...

>> No.20471663

I like when she got dirty in the mud.

>> No.20471672


Princess Celestia's guards in the intro, the guys pulling the chariot, and Big Macintosh. I think that's it. So, four, compared to about two hundred girls.

>> No.20471726

Who wants to take bets on how many pony OCs are gonna pop up now?

>> No.20471742

Don't forget Spike. Poor illiterate dragon.

>> No.20471746

that pony is so HNNNNNNNNNG

>> No.20471749

>96 posts about My Little Pony.

>> No.20471760

we're forgetting the boy dragon too.
You know some furry is gonna draw him with Fluttershy

>> No.20471762
File: 15 KB, 400x300, thumb-1208696061080.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

i like this show, it's very enjoyable, this surely will become one of my favorite shows

i'm not a girl

i'm not an open-minded adult

i'm not a little kid

i'm just a pervert who likes this "cute little female horses everywhere" thing

i hate myself


>> No.20471763
File: 63 KB, 1280x800, Herp.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

...That's a marvelous idea.

Oh, trust me. DA already has a metric fuckton of them.

>> No.20471773
File: 104 KB, 900x580, mlp_motivational_poster_by_waggonercartoons-d30gzpb.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20471790
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>> No.20471802

4 guys to 200 girls? Maybe pony femdom wouldn't be THAT bad...

>> No.20471850
File: 564 KB, 1078x316, malelittleponies.png [View same] [iqdb]

Two from the Apple family. Big Macintosh and Red Delicious.

>> No.20471872
File: 15 KB, 458x253, masintosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Assuming Macintosh is in fact male and not a manly female, he still has that harness around his neck (I'm not sure what its actually called). This would suggest that, even though he is part of the Apple family, his purpose is for hard labour and breeding since those two female ponies are gazing lustily at him.

I hate myself

>> No.20471879

Notice how Big Mac is a working horse.

>> No.20471908

I'll say one thing in favor of the boy ponies. They are enjoying a great ratio of available tail.

>> No.20471916

He only has groupies because he comes off as rich. In reality, he...

...anyway, the punchline is "Macfag hipster." I'm kinda burned tonight, so I can't think of anything good.

>> No.20471919
File: 190 KB, 607x520, rainbowdash.png [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20471922
File: 88 KB, 635x479, 1282502815624.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>this thread

>> No.20471946


Who's to say Red Delicious isn't just a boyish girl pony, kinda like Rainbow Dash

>> No.20471948

he's fucking big that's why, would you rather have 10 little girly pony's do the job 1 male can do?

The male toys were always bigger and had the Clydesdale type hair on their hoofs, looks like they got rid of that for the show though

>> No.20471965

Seriously, /co/, I love this show.

I want an adorable t-shirt..

>> No.20471972

I notice that there are a couple people here already shipping Spike the dragon with Fluttershy. Didn't anyone notice he has a huge crush on Rarity?

>> No.20471984

No eyelashes.

>> No.20472010

So they apparently follow Neopet's sexual dimorphism rules.

>> No.20472019

Sooo.... When are we going to get a drawfag to draw us reverse-furry ponies in a fosters/powerpuff style?

>> No.20472024
File: 14 KB, 497x275, Rena~.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Oh my god....you're the cutest pony ever and i'm taking you home NOW

>> No.20472026
File: 17 KB, 483x365, 1283828800186.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20472037

So... the power of friendship allowed an ancient evil to break free, instead of actually accomplishing anything?

>> No.20472045

no! no dammit please!

can't we just have a ridiculously cute, admittedly girly, but surprisingly enjoyable cartoon without having to sexualize the characters?


it was only a matter of time, I guess.

>> No.20472050

Umm, they're already drawn in Fosters/PPG style.

A little weird, but it works.

>> No.20472052

Rarity doesn't deserve him.

>> No.20472054
File: 38 KB, 350x458, __my_little_pony_gone_bad___by_time_clown-d30hjs8.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20472055

Because Rarity is a stuck up bitch. Fluttershy is ten times cuter and actually cares about Spike already.

>> No.20472072


You now notice that both of them have vapid, thoughtless eyes.

>> No.20472076
File: 62 KB, 699x538, mlpquiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


I know you all want to play.

I got fluttershy

>> No.20472078


damn you got me there.
I wonder what makes them so special

>> No.20472086
File: 493 KB, 900x630, ROBOT_UNICORN_ATTACK_by_Edheloth.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Hello ladies. Harmony harmony.

>> No.20472089

I want one of Fluttershy playing DnD.

>> No.20472091
File: 29 KB, 563x367, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20472097
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1286323267203.png [View same] [iqdb]

>reading thread
"There's no way anyone would like this, it's a trick, it can't be true, it can't be. I'm gonna watch this and prove it's a dumb little girl show."
>start watching
>besides the cringing at the opening theme, the show is actually not that bad
>good voice acting
>cliffhanger ending
Wh-..wha-what is this I'm feeling guys? I don't understand, why-why is this good? It can't be! and why am I aroused by them?
Oh jesus I'm scared /co/

>> No.20472120

/co/ is love. I guess it's one way they show it

>> No.20472146

I know, that's why the reverse furry art should be in that style.

I guess it will lead to over sexualizing a cute innocent show though, I wasn't thinking about it that way.

>> No.20472153
File: 66 KB, 486x485, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>why am I aroused by them?

>> No.20472154


>> No.20472176


First I got Pinkie Pie, then I got Applejack then I got mad because I wanted Fluttershy

>> No.20472178


>> No.20472181

If you take this quiz and do not get Twilight Sparkle, become an hero now.

>> No.20472183


At least this show has plot compated to the movie

>> No.20472185

Aww, come on. You can say that about 95% of the internet.

>> No.20472191
File: 93 KB, 850x478, Lagoooona~.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

I'm actually 19 and i've come to terms with all of this :3

>> No.20472193

I want Nightmare Moon but that's not gonna happen.

>> No.20472199

Just -why- are you aroused? Staring at all that pony ass, aren't you?

>> No.20472205

Fuck all MLP but G1.

>> No.20472206


It´s because they are hungry for female animals, since the 90s......

>> No.20472226

did you not notice the attention the paid to having Twilight Sparkle's ass sway to and fro when she was walking away?

they want this to happen.

>> No.20472240

So did Rainbow Dash dazzle the Wonderbolts or what?

>> No.20472243

take the nostalgia goggles off, Friendship is Magic is the best thing to happen to My Little Pony.

>> No.20472244
File: 681 KB, 800x800, HARMONYHARMONY.gif [View same] [iqdb]

I got Rainbow Dash.

In my dreams, I am the harmony. it is me

>> No.20472252

What I get from the first five minutes of this show:

If you're a girl, being introverted with your head in a book all day is no good. You have to be an extroverted slut to be accepted in modern society.

>> No.20472258
File: 68 KB, 754x543, 1112233313213.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Why... why /co/......

>> No.20472259

Many people are liking this show. I presume something paranormal about this, maybe I should call Kolchak to do an investigation.

>> No.20472264

>> Apple family

Where is the Steve Jobs pony?

>> No.20472266
File: 18 KB, 360x270, rigby scream.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20472273

that's actually wrong because by the end she's the only one who knew that Nightmare Moon was going to show up and kidnap Princess Celestia.

>> No.20472290

Wait for Part 2.

>> No.20472298
File: 34 KB, 800x600, rainicorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

그럼,이 조랑말를 좋아했다?

>> No.20472305

take a look into Equistria's social policy and you can see some sort of rigid caste system is employed.
There is a whole generation of apple-farmers living on the countryside, the trade of the indivual caste is branded on the ponies, to remind them of their place and function in the cogs of pony society.
The members of a higher caste like Twilight Sparkles, choose not to mingle with the lower ones, and place their occupation as scribe-priests as higher, being closer to their God-Queen, ponywhatshername. They are like the Brahmins of the Indus Civilization.

And of course, the Pariah, The Untouchables of this cruel system would be the males, who are employed for doing menial work, as transportation and as meatshields.

This is one fucking grim cartoon.

>> No.20472322

>Steve Jobs
Defenitely there's something fishy about this show.

>> No.20472334

>implying that the Macintosh computer wasn't named after the Macintosh apple

>I swear, Nightmare Moon has got to be someone's mother. Possibly Twilight Sparkle.

>the soft, diffused light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, either from daybreak to sunrise or, more commonly, from sunset to nightfall.

>> No.20472337


I'm a 28 year old woman, and personally, I'm dealing with this by pretending I'm reliving my childhood! Everyone gets a little nostalgia indulgences, right?

Even though I wasn't a big fan of real-life ponies, I watched MLP all the time along with stuff like Teddy Ruxbin and Gummi Bears because boy howdy, did I ever love any fantasy world ever when I was 5.

Good god, the first few bars of the themesong takes me back.

>> No.20472358
File: 309 KB, 640x480, hurrrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb]

this needs to be made into fanfiction

>> No.20472392


Oh Jesus, SPIKE. I'd forgotten all about him!

Much like rewatching She-Ra and He-Man a few years ago, I suspect this is going to uncover entire graveyards worth of forgotten characters for me.

>> No.20472409
File: 23 KB, 470x515, what. the. fuck..jpg [View same] [iqdb]



AT 2:44
>all the birds are the same except....

>> No.20472422

As soon as I saw the little guy I remembered him from the original.

>> No.20472464

It's called a blue jay. It's an entire species.

You know, like how there are other penguins besides Chilly Willy?

>> No.20472469


Yeah, I noticed that too. When I saw the bluebird singing in a way unlike the others, I immediately thought of Mordecai.

>> No.20472492

Who else has the My Little Pony theme song stuck in their fucking head now?

>> No.20472500

Do you have a big ass?

>> No.20472515


You mean...there are OTHER penguins.
Mother of god

>> No.20472532


Original or this one? Because I skipped this one.

>> No.20472540
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i'm about to CAW here

>> No.20472559

I'm an 18 year old male and enjoyed this.

I didn't think I would, but I'll be damned if that cliffhanger didn't catch me.

>> No.20472591
File: 508 KB, 781x459, PonyPreggo.png [View same] [iqdb]

in during Twilight Sparkle preggo porn

>> No.20472613
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or maybe you're just an 8 year old girl pretending to be an 18 year old guy

>> No.20472638

You are a middle aged man pretending to be a blue jay.

>> No.20472643

179 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.20472655

I'm an 18 year old guy also. Wouldn't say this show is amazing but it's definitely way better than I expected it to be.

>> No.20472681
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>> No.20472691
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So i just finished watching this, and here's what I think.

It's nice to see that a decent amount of effort went into the show, instead of it being a shitfest to sell more toys. I'm not a parent, but I'd say it's an enjoyable kid's cartoon, with a demographic for little girls, but it's not so utterly painful for an adult to enjoy with their child.

I enjoyed it. I'll watch more if I happen to catch it.
It looks/sounds very akin to Fosters. it's the same team, am i right?

>> No.20472692


I genuinely want Princess Celestia to be the main villain.

>> No.20472710
File: 55 KB, 1185x1137, 1284066567085.png [View same] [iqdb]

screw that
I want to archive this shit

>> No.20472742
File: 75 KB, 276x288, Disappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>150+ post thread about My.Little.Pony.

>> No.20472746

hey, someone's using my freakazoid reaction image!

I feel like I've contributed something.

>> No.20472772

anyone pointing this out obviously hasn't watched the episode ans hasn't felt conflicted like the rest of us

>> No.20472784
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Queen Katrina>>>>>>Night Mare

>> No.20472794

I agree. This strange phenomenon must be documented.

>> No.20472799
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>> No.20472818

that bird was drawn with more details than the others, it made it more visible. Also why the fuck is there 2 cartoons about blue jays at the same time? Are blue jay the new T-rex?

>> No.20472834
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1280668373451.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>They're watching a girls' show and fantasising about cartoon ponies

>> No.20472835

Twilight Sparkle is shit compared to Fluttershine. In fact, she's shit compared to anyone. Except maybe Pinky Pie.

>> No.20472847

I'm the President pretending to be an Argie.

>> No.20472857
File: 9 KB, 404x286, 1285115405800-1.png [View same] [iqdb]

I'm a girl and even then I feel conflicted here

>> No.20472858

watch the episode and then come back and say that.

>> No.20472860

Shut up and watch it and you'll realize how glorious it is.

>> No.20472863


Hopefully the irony isn't lost on you.

>> No.20472864

no one's fantasizing.

if they are it's a very small minority.

don't knock it till you've tried it.

>> No.20472878

the little apple pony is my favorite. the cow boy hat I think.

>> No.20472907

This kinda came out of nowhere, didn't it? It's rare to see /co/ jump onboard something so quickly.

>> No.20472909

Oh my god, the Pony Party has dancey-house music. :D Yessssssssssssss.

>> No.20472912


>> No.20472933

Thanks for your request.
It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made.
This thread has been requested 2 times now.

come on /co/, embrace your shame

>> No.20472936
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If you ask me, they payed a bit too much attention to that...

>> No.20472948
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>> No.20472951


Fuck awesome my little ponies show made by the wife of the creator of powerpuff girls and fosters. Im surprised all of /co/ isnt eating this up already. We all know you closet furries.

>> No.20472952


>> No.20472958

itt: Sad little pansies so insecure in their masculinity that they're terrified of watching a cartoon about ponies.

If you were real men, you'd know that manliness is something too powerful to be undone by something as small as a pony cartoon.

So yeah, I enjoyed MLP, and I'm going to watch next week's episode, and I'm going to talk about it on /co/. And then I'm going to make out with my girlfriend and listen to power metal. Enjoy being pussies.

>> No.20472995

dammit, i lol'd

>> No.20473006
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>> No.20473028

drawfags, get to work on a spartan pony.

>> No.20473060
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>214 posts and 57 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.20473073

Not until
is done!

>> No.20473089

don't bitch until you've watched it.

we were all sitting there, incredulous that anyone was watching this.

but so far everyone who's watched it has enjoyed it.

>> No.20473093 [SPOILER] 
File: 36 KB, 400x413, onta_onta_mlp-002_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

So i herd u liek my little pony

>> No.20473112

>implying the male would be on top =

>> No.20473118
File: 31 KB, 715x542, A young bruce willis paints an arrow on his forhead to direct your attention to his angry face.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>my face when i have a boner

>> No.20473123

See, that's what has me so worried.

I'm starting to think they've implanted some sort of subliminal messaging in this cartoon. I mean, jesus, a massive portion of /co/ seems to have just jumped on this shit, and it's... well, it's fucking My Little Pony. Think about that for a second.

Well... I guess there's only one way to find out, eh? Wish me luck, /co/.

>> No.20473127

Now hold on here--you're missing something VERY important about this show. Twilight Sparkle is the main character. She's also the "Grumpy Bear" trope. Do you know how RARE that combo is in a cartoon, especially one aimed at girls?

The fact is, this is a rather subversive cartoon. Twilight Sparkle is the nerdy, intellectual, borderline goth girl, and yet she's also the only one who realizes that the Sealed Evil in a Can (tm) is about to break loose and her silly little world is about to come crashing around her ears. And at the same time, she can't convince any of the other ponies of this, because they're all a bunch of vapid twits obsessed with their own silly obsessions. It's almost a complete reversal of the '80s "let's all be friends" genre that MLP came from.

>> No.20473133
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>My face when adorable shy pony

>> No.20473154


>>implying their not both male

>> No.20473171

Do I need to watch the original series to appreciate this one?

>> No.20473173
File: 24 KB, 387x318, 45.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>214 posts and 57 image replies
>my little pony
surely this thread is just trolls and people talking about how shitty this show is
>in depth analysis of characters and relationships

....i... i am just going to walk away...im not saing you guys creep me the fuck out or anything...but i...i just gotta get away from you all....fast.

>> No.20473175
File: 57 KB, 420x560, hailnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

oh gog why did i make this instead of working

it's not even any good

>> No.20473178
File: 6 KB, 396x304, 5352431114.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

why is this sexy?

>> No.20473179


I did like how, despite the "you need more FRIENDS" message from her friend Spike, despite her most trusted mentor telling her she needed to keep her head out of so many moldy old books, Twilight Sparkle was absolutely right.

I kind of hope they keep it up.

I also like the animation, especially the expressions.

>> No.20473195

it's just remarkably enjoyable.

I was very confused when I saw this thread non-ironically discussing My Little Pony.

Then I watched it.

At first I was intrigued.

Then I was ashamed.

Then I was in denial.

Then I accepted the fact that it's just a fun cartoon that just so happens to be about ponies.

>> No.20473199



Honestly, it's just a well put together kid's fantasy show with the sparkly veneer of My Little Pony overlaid on top of it. This has no right to be as good as it is.

>> No.20473202


god damn you glittery faggot ponies

>> No.20473207

Nightmare Moon beats the Princess any day.

>> No.20473212


My little Ponies Soviet-style propaganda. Yes. Yes I'd like that.

>> No.20473214

I didn't, but I liked it.

Though according to some itt there are some references to the original but nothing is essential to watch it. Like the dragon being from the original or something.

>> No.20473219
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Theres something about Rarity that doesn't sit right with me.
Her bio says "shes as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside" being "gentle" and "kind" and all that junk.
I just don't buy it.

>> No.20473274

Perhaps she wrote it herself?

>> No.20473282
File: 725 KB, 768x576, you mad.png [View same] [iqdb]

>mfw in an nutshell, the nerdy loner pony is trying to save the world but everyone is such a vapid airhead that they stall her just long enough for the AW SHIT MEGA EVIL pony to seize control and fuck up ponyland.

>> No.20473295

come on, it's not the first time there's been a beauty-queen character who was also genuinely nice.

>> No.20473299

silly, ponies can't write

>> No.20473300

I never expected to make it through the first half. I grew up in the 80s, and have never fully repressed the memories of catching even just bits of shows like Rainbow Brite or Herself the Elf while flipping channels looking for REAL cartoons. Heck, I even really liked the first couple of seasons of the Smurfs, until I grew out of it/it became utterly soulless and repetitive; but, I could never watch it now except as parody (I suspect Seth Green feels the same way).

This... this has more in common with modern cartoons than its predecessors. The visuals are superior to the old stuff, and the pacing is far better (both of which are probably largely due to modern digital canvas software, which dramatically lowered the cost of decent-quality animation over that of the 80s, where static panning shots and generally minimal animation were common). The writing... well, either they expect little girls to grok a lot more innuendo than was permitted in the 80s, or they expect that their 80s-era parents will be watching it with them at times (a formula that the WB 90s shows pioneered and is still with us).

I don't expect that it will maintain this quality--or my attention--for very long. But... I am impressed. If I had a daughter, I would be more than happy to sit down with her to watch this on a regular basis. I'd just have to be careful not to laugh at anything that I wouldn't want to have to explain.

Now, if only they'd add a robot unicorn pony...

>> No.20473320
File: 22 KB, 444x322, whyyoudothis.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Goddamn, this...


What have i turned into /co/?

>> No.20473334
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>Implying Unicorns aren't the biggest craze right now.

>> No.20473356
File: 22 KB, 447x301, spongebobteehee.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

you like My Little Pony don't you?

>> No.20473372

best thread ever.

Genuine shock at cute ponies having a decent story.

>> No.20473373

TheBadPonyFuckingTripfag !!B+UyoJBme5Y

>> No.20473401

Man, it must SUCK to be a pony without a horn or wings.
You're just some normal-ass faggot.

>> No.20473404


You can't make say it, you just cant.

>> No.20473454
File: 9 KB, 142x136, Picture 216.png [View same] [iqdb]

October is a girly girly month and I am SO FUCKING OK WITH THAT!

>> No.20473462
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Your welcome

>> No.20473469

just admit it to yourself.

there's nothing to be ashamed of.

only people you'll have to answer to are people too proud to even give a cartoon about ponies a shot.

>> No.20473481

Innuendo? Where?

>> No.20473493


this confirms the cast system of My little ponies.

Wings plus Horn = ruling class

Wings/horn = intermediate

no wings or horn = shitty peasants

merponies = aquaman

>> No.20473500
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mai steidu

Fuck, but I love the music that plays when she appears. It's very villainous, even a little creepy when she's first speaking, while still being sort of glittery and feminine.

>> No.20473501


Yeah, I was just going to ask. What innuendo are you seeing here?

>> No.20473504

Huh, where can i watch it?

>> No.20473526



check your self-esteem at the door.

>> No.20473536

I've been following this thread since it started about 4 hours ago. I feel funny.

>> No.20473539



>> No.20473541

You are now realizing that Celestia is in fact sealing herself away, because in her 1000 years of ruling she realized her error and has now placed herself on her sister's mercy.

Since Nightmare Moon is in fact lonely, not evil, Celestia feels she'll do the right thing in the end.

Celestia didn't want anyone knowing because she didn't want NM to feel as if Celestia was trying to trick her.

So Twilight Sparkle is going to fuck it up by all most sealing NM away only for Celestia to intervene.

>> No.20473544
File: 376 KB, 240x162, draculaura~3.gif [View same] [iqdb]

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tjl8XulH51E
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkeLzQv7Mn4


>> No.20473553

I do hope she lasts the entire season before someone she's defeated/Celestia apologizes and the two sisters reconcile (and how nice would that be if the rainbow-maned, ivory colored goddess pony was actually in the wrong).

>> No.20473573

Eh... I'm not sure why it would take her 1000 goddamn years to admit that she fucked up, but I suppose I could see that happening.

>> No.20473598

That intro was fucked up


>> No.20473602


Not stud, steed!

>> No.20473610

Because she was obviously as vapid as the other Ponies, and didn't realize how strong the spell she was using was.
She thought it'd just put NM in time out for a little while, not for as long as it did.

>> No.20473630

i leave for one weekend and THIS is the shit you get into?

i blame wyatt.

>> No.20473647

I can't believe they ended on a cliffhanger. I didn't expect this show to be story-based ever.

>> No.20473651


You think you feel bad, I started it!

>> No.20473675

I've got to thank you, then.

I like this cartoon.

>> No.20473682


>> No.20473710


....I can't believe someone else remembers Kolchak

>> No.20473712

Thanks for your request.
It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made.
This thread has been requested 7 times now.

Congrats, your request has just triggered the archival process for thread 20468183


>> No.20473726

>Turn on that new Hub channel
> See my little pony cartoon
>Gonna watch for like three minutes for the lols, prolly change to diffrent channel
>Half decent plot
>Great voice acting
>Cliffhanger ending
>Develop crippling obsession with unicorns.
Dear god /co/, what has been done.

>> No.20473727

Oh wow, I thought you were long gone.

>> No.20473743

The current Celestina isn't the original- not even magical ponies live that long. That's why she wasn't concerned about Nightmare's return- the original didn't manage to pass down the legend before she died and was secretly replaced. Nightmare has returned to find her hated sister long dead.

>> No.20473761


>> No.20473763
File: 190 KB, 479x277, yin_yang_ponies.png [View same] [iqdb]

Cosmic, man...

>> No.20473771

Wait, a lot of these screenshots from later episodes have the world in day time...

Is the Nightmare Moon segment over in only one episode?

>> No.20473784
File: 4 KB, 111x126, 1276296003992s.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

this thread is making me LOL like i never laughed in years
but seriously guys is not he fact that you are watching a show for girls the alarming pint of this thread, is the fact that all of you are making such drama and angst about it what it makes you a bunch of girly pansies

>> No.20473798
File: 31 KB, 480x600, Son....jpg [View same] [iqdb]

/a/ here, I thought noone could be lower than me until now

watchmen was an okay movie

>> No.20473800

...Is it weird that that makes me sad yet I would still like to see the writers pull that off?

>> No.20473827

dammit, I hope not.

if it is I'll feel like actually liking this will be a huge waste.

>> No.20473843

fuck i can't type for shit tonight

>> No.20473845

/a/ tripfag here, wow... you guys are real faggots, even more so than us

>> No.20473848

I'm hoping it's just a flashback or something.

Once Nightmare Moon's gone, I'm done with the show.

>> No.20473850


Either she gets locked back in the moon (grimdark), does the heel-face turn, or is temporarily shoved off to become a recurring villain.

Aaaah, /co/... most of the episodes are probably going to be about trivial pony problems, not awesome overarching story. I'm sad now.

>> No.20473859


Other /a/ tripfag here. Disregard this man.

>> No.20473873
File: 259 KB, 475x275, chariot_pegasi.png [View same] [iqdb]

I don't think the boy pony on the right is too happy with his job.

>> No.20473877

who are you?
you seem to be new to /a/

>> No.20473896

As long as they're about Fluttershy, Raindbow Dash, or Applejack I'm okay with this.

>> No.20473911
File: 445 KB, 1332x798, Nox Picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


I...I would actually love that. That would actually be a really bittersweet way to show that sometimes you just can't turn back the clock. (pic related)


My bet? Nightmare Moon temporarily nightifies everything, has plan defeated by little ponies' teamwork, swears revenge, flies off and becomes main series villain.

>> No.20473913


Hahaohwow. New name, same trip.

>> No.20473918

I can't believe this thread lasted long enough to eventually hit the bump limit.

>> No.20473945

I'd kind of like if most of the show consisted of Twilight Sparkle and company on a quest for the Elements of Harmony, instead of just dicking around in the village or whatever.

>> No.20473949

I collect MLPs and I used to viciously hate G3 and G3.5 ponies but GAWD this show is good. <3

>> No.20473952


The one on the left is all "oh yeah girl i'll take you for a ride any time" and his twin brother is like "dude she's 13"

>> No.20473958


Is making threads seriously discussing my little pony some kind of new joke on /co?

>> No.20473969
File: 182 KB, 476x275, hehehe.png [View same] [iqdb]

Reaction faces, anyone? This show has plenty of 'em.

>> No.20473982


You know, the old My Little Pony movie had this horrible living darkness they had to beat back with a crystal made of rainbows and light and love and whatnot.

It's probably really lame now, but when I was little that thing was fucking TERRIFYING. The ponies seemed to fight off loosely-defined evil shit like that all the time. If they turn this into a fantasy-adventure show that just happens to be center in Ponyville, I'd be cool with it.

>> No.20473983
File: 16 KB, 283x263, eeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20473986

okay, I still don't know who the fuck you are

>> No.20474000

I haven't watched my little ponies since the 80's version. Did the artwork just get shittier?

>> No.20474009
File: 15 KB, 177x161, 212132.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>mfw fluttershy was in a hurry to get spike in bed

>> No.20474015

Nah, the joke is that a bunch of artists, writers, and voice actors decided to work together and make a My Little Pony show without half-assing it, and actually made a quality program.

>> No.20474028

Implying the one on the left enjoys it.

Holy shit, ponies are more matriarchal than Drow.

>> No.20474068

....Actually, Twilight DID seem to go against her entire society's norms. She also has a different personality when compared to the other ponies.....


>> No.20474073
File: 197 KB, 479x277, innuendo.png [View same] [iqdb]

You want innuendo?

>> No.20474103


Probably all the women involved in the show are emotionally invested in it by nostaliga. And they, in turn, encourage the men.

>> No.20474113
File: 110 KB, 461x608, 1282715808917.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>This thread

>> No.20474125

so are we going to bother making a new thread or should we just leave this where it is?

>> No.20474162

Alright I'm watching it. This better be good >:(

>> No.20474167
File: 189 KB, 477x278, heykidwannass.png [View same] [iqdb]

Here's a better one for you.

>> No.20474236

I felt bad about watching MLP until this post.


Just saying.car

>> No.20474242

Am i the only one who had is in mind the whole time "gosh, that dragon has quite a burden, being the only thing with hands in ponyland"?

Also, gosh /co/ i love you so much, this thread is grade A hilarity!

>> No.20474447

he's the only one that can finger all those ponies vagoos and bungholes

>> No.20474455
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>> No.20474460
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>> No.20474473
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>> No.20474490
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>> No.20474757
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>> No.20474823
File: 88 KB, 731x453, DICKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>all of 4chan lately

>> No.20475430
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>> No.20475503

This thread as been something else. Thanks /co/.

>> No.20475713
File: 27 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2010-10-11-07h19m26s29.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Sure is Dexter's Lab ripoff all up in here.

>> No.20475801

Posting in epic thread

>> No.20475801,1 [INTERNAL] 


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