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File: 166 KB, 813x606, ponies-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb]
20448228 No.20448228 [Reply] [Original]

Tomorrow is the premier of MLP.

Considering that It´s done by a PPG and Foster´s writer, we will probably get the best girl cartoon ever.

>> No.20448331
File: 527 KB, 1726x1226, PonyGaogaigar.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20448427
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Be serious, /co/!

>> No.20448453


>> No.20448454

is the one with the rainbow mane a lesbian

>> No.20448462


>> No.20448464

It looks really well-made.

Flash or hand-drawn?

>> No.20448468

I'm actually kind of looking forward to this. Are there any youtube videos out? I can't get any of the ones on Hasbro's website to work

>> No.20448510

IIRC, the gif I saw makes me think Flash.

>> No.20448523

This better be canon.

>> No.20448539



>> No.20448554


Looks a Hell of alot better than Johnny Test, then.

>> No.20448568

I remember that. Didn't they get rid of that video a while ago, though? I thought all the Top Viewed videos on YouTube were either video-blogs, home movies or music videos. No surreal shorts anymore.

It's like YouTube became 4chan, where copypasta is king and all the OC sucks.

>> No.20448591
File: 132 KB, 1024x768, rayearth2.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>best girl cartoon ever.

Im sorry no

the ebst girl cartoon ever is and will always be Magic Knight Rayearth. and i don't even give a shit that it's anime cuz it's fucking awesome as hell and if you haven't watched this girl's show you're a prissy little fagot

>> No.20448603

That's not exactly a high bar, bro.

>> No.20448605

Twilight Sparkle/Rainbow Dash otp

>> No.20448620
File: 2.71 MB, 240x180, rayearthh.gif [View same] [iqdb]


fuck yeah

that's cool

>> No.20448622

I read the manga. It wasn't very good.

>> No.20448640

I've never liked MLP, and it doesn't help that I have a horse phobia and the toys give me the creepy crawlies.

But this looks SO. CUTE.

>> No.20448651

...must...buy...adorable toys

>> No.20448652


clamp manga seldom are. they;re aniems tend to either be awesome or complete shit. Never middle ground

>> No.20448664


Oh never mind. I thought it was going to have a really cool twist like this >>20448331

I'm very disappointed.

>> No.20448686

Flash doesn't have to be painful Johnny Test shit. Just look at Foster's.

>> No.20448691


>> No.20448692
File: 22 KB, 704x396, justasplanned.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>corporate executive's faces when this post

>> No.20448698


I would watch this

>> No.20448723
File: 2 KB, 55x58, 0000cax.gif [View same] [iqdb]


Spike the Dragon is absent because he was feeling a little hoarse and ended up on prison.

>> No.20448731
File: 38 KB, 400x494, 1286146633567.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

Eh, it's tolerable.

>> No.20448750
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>> No.20448770
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I know, it's like beating a dead horse, yes?

>> No.20448773

I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw the image reaction potential in the 'Gorilla Munch' cereal.

>> No.20448776

That artwork looks pretty terrible. Even for Anime.
>if you haven't watched this girl's show you're a prissy little fagot

>> No.20448779



>> No.20448792

It looks pretty typical for when it was made.

>> No.20448800
File: 144 KB, 600x1021, rayearthsaturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


the Saturn game was fucking awesome

>> No.20448805

But only college aged men really watched PPG and Fosters. Oh no, the rule 34 will flow from this like rain.

>> No.20448814


All I remember about this is that it was the last Saturn game released in America.

>> No.20448835
File: 93 KB, 1920x1080, rayearthsword.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>>if you haven't watched this girl's show you're a prissy little fagot

you heard me right

>> No.20448854

>Twilight Sparkle
>reads alot
>magic powers

>> No.20448877

inb4 my little pony porn

>> No.20448894

Magic Knight Rayearth?
A good anime, with interesting characters, interesting design and one of the biggest BAD ENDS ever.
The second season was created due to fan's pressure to undo the massive BAD END of the original story.

>> No.20448897

You'd better not be implying something about a best selling young adult book series, good sir.

>> No.20448898
File: 93 KB, 640x932, magicknights.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

I mean holy shit these thigns are awesome

>> No.20448930
File: 452 KB, 1600x1800, machinas2.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>one of the biggest BAD ENDS ever.

yeah I did not see that coming at all

>> No.20449017

but i liked those wacky delicious brown arabic princesses from season 2....

>> No.20449038

This is going to have SO MUCH PORN.

>> No.20449047
File: 256 KB, 279x371, magic_knight_rayearth_-_nova.png [View same] [iqdb]


season 2 was fine outside it's piss poor attempts at romance....witch hoenstly came off as really really creepy.

but yeah everything else, pretty cool

>> No.20449076


Ah, but you forget, my friend.

We're getting a new Pound Puppies cartoon, too.

>> No.20449133


Why would it?

THe first MLP didn't have much rule 34. Why would THIS be any different?

>> No.20449137

Yeah, but dogs don't have horse cocks.

>> No.20449150

The internet exists now.

>> No.20449161
File: 11 KB, 123x344, 1260939594951.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>Oh man, the Hub debuts tomorrow? FUCK YEAH
>I wonder when Transformers: Prime is gonna air?
>Checks TFWiki

>> No.20449190

Not yet, they don't.

Of course, I'm saving those experiments until after my cat/dog hybrid experiments.

>> No.20449197


Who cares?

Furries, man.

>> No.20449212

Don't worry, dude. The Hub is where good shows go to get back to the 90's.

Now if only I got it on our college's cable plan...

>> No.20449259
File: 3 KB, 37x94, 0000ca.png [View same] [iqdb]


It wasn't bad, but it undid the impact of the original BAD END.
My Little Pony will try new routes? Like, for example, giving more screentime to the male ponies?
It would be interesting to see a couple of lovely neigh-bours ponies in a stable relationship, no matter how many hurdles they could find in the way, since a happy life would be their mane objetive..

>> No.20449279


Dammit Carlos...

>> No.20449291

as long as theres no Annoying dragon...

>> No.20449322

Isn't john K working on this or something?

>> No.20449371

>fan's pressure


Japs couldnt deal with the Shaymalan's state of mind back then??

it was a superb Troll ending

>> No.20449412


If he were, MLP would be a cartoon about gross ponies taking a dump for 22 minutes, with a swarm of flies crawling inside their assholes in the final minute of animation.

>> No.20449486
File: 66 KB, 243x331, Welp.png [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20449540

This will probably be the first thing that the pony futa gang rape.

>> No.20449545

i hate you guys...so much....

Is there a Megan and annoying kids too?

>> No.20449642


No Megan and kids so far.

>> No.20449649

>Japs couldnt deal with the Shaymalan's state of mind back then??

dude they need constant reminders not to watch tv int he dark.

>> No.20450051


Or watch too slose to the telly.

>> No.20450073


>> No.20450220


I have no idea but anime and certain games always seem to have that "Hey Kid don't sit to close to teh boob tube ya little putz" message

>> No.20450459


Sorta like a "please don't sue us" warning message.

>> No.20450459,1 [INTERNAL] 

I was there.

>> No.20450459,2 [INTERNAL] 


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