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/co/ - Comics & Cartoons

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File: 163 KB, 570x402, mlpfim-imagetab-mlp-large-570x402.jpg [View same] [iqdb]
20362078 No.20362078 [Reply] [Original]

Caption this

>> No.20362085

Juniper Lee and her little brother turned into magical creatures

>> No.20362097


wanna /ss/?

>> No.20362103

Purple kawaii donkey talking to tiny dinosaur librarian

>> No.20362105
File: 192 KB, 570x402, 725636285.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20362115

Spyro games sure have sunk to a new low.

>> No.20362128
File: 122 KB, 570x402, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb]


>> No.20362141

open your eyes. I see, your eyes are open.

>> No.20362170


wear no disguise for me, come into the open

>> No.20362173


Wear no disguise for me. Come into the open.

>> No.20362185

What the shit. Is that supposed to be an update of Spike from the original MLP? This displeases my inner five year old girl.

>> No.20362206

Oh sweet, this is out? Link plz

>> No.20362216

those ponies have a waaaaayy to human face to my taste.

>> No.20362220

dr sivana please report back and tell us what u think of pony cartoon

>> No.20362241

o boy, did they remake the dolls, too? I thought those dolls will never ever change, forever.

>> No.20362271

Will do :D

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash are already looking like they are going to be my favourites :3

>> No.20362307

do they denounce traditional gender roles that are harmful to us all

>> No.20362349
File: 33 KB, 600x542, MLP___Nightshade_by_SinjaAussiaAngels.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

I can only actually remember one male pony and he was, like, a pony cross between Michael Jackson and Prince who moonwalked to steal your shadow I am not kidding btw.

Applejack is the most butch pony.

>> No.20362363

why would he steal shadows

that is like one of the most useless things to steal

>> No.20362389
File: 527 KB, 1726x1226, PonyGaogaigar.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

THe perfect thread to post this.

>> No.20362396

He steals them from the baby ponies by luring them into his backstage van

>> No.20362427


>> No.20362445


This is the episode, but I'm nodding off in my jammies now so I can't really check if my memories are correct but they totally are

>> No.20362635


>> No.20364010
File: 81 KB, 569x1296, Spike_1986-2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20364031
File: 30 KB, 484x328, boys-ponies.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

>> No.20364035

Is it wrong to want to tap every 2010-style My Little Pony out there?

>> No.20364082


>> No.20365971


That face says "I'm trippin balls"

>> No.20366216
File: 7 KB, 300x300, 216QC182W2L._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

i miss that one cartoon, based on a girly toy, that wasnt girly itself

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