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/co/ - Comics & Cartoons

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File: 135 KB, 658x558, Whichponies.jpg [View same] [iqdb]
20303814 No.20303814 [Reply] [Original]

Been awhile since we've seen them on TV.

>> No.20303840

I'm sure there's still a market for them. In any case, everyone knows there's some kind of embargo on decent cartoons these days, so who knows? Maybe in the near future they'll make a comeback, maybe not.

>> No.20303847


>> No.20303855



http://www.hasbro.com/mylittlepony/en_US/play/browse.cfm <--Character trailers here.

>> No.20303876

Thanks ^_^

I'm feeling very down tonight and some pony fun might be just what my inner child might need! I also dig the new art style.

>> No.20303908

Which Pony would you pick?

>> No.20304022

Lesbian overtones, the animated series.

>> No.20304041

Way to rape My Little Pony continuity.

>> No.20304078

Twilight Sparkle, definitely.

Hahaha. The best bit is people will be unironically whining about this on TVtropes

>> No.20304097
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>Caring about continuity in My Little Pony

>> No.20304119

Really? I thought your inner child wanted to fuck a guy.

Considering you did back when you were a kid.

>> No.20304125

Not cool

>> No.20304127

I'm just stating a fact, that's all.

>> No.20304167

I would prefer it if you didn't keep bringing it up.

>> No.20304176


>> No.20304215

Who else watched that vid by Thunderpants on You Tube and thought:"Bitch, this don't hurt me at all!" Those sea-ponies were pretty annoying in the series, though.

>> No.20305390


What about that little purple dragon thing?

>> No.20306513
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>> No.20306783
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are you guys really talking about this

my little pony


>> No.20306833
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>> No.20306871

Oh /co/, are there any depths you won't sink to?

>> No.20306891

/co/ has had threads for Monster High, Horseland and WITCH...does this REALLY fucking surprise you?

>> No.20306914

You shut up, not everything has to be about the cartoons YOU liked as a kid.

>> No.20306934
File: 303 KB, 523x356, my face when.png [View same] [iqdb]


hello wyatt creed

>> No.20307121
File: 262 KB, 496x478, achainsaw.png [View same] [iqdb]


childrens cartoons are one thing, they can have matierial aimed at more mature audiences

an adult man watching cartoons aimed at girls age 4-9 is not okay

>> No.20307212

>an adult man watching cartoons aimed at girls age 4-9 is not okay

And yet /co/ loves Power Puff Girls

>> No.20307219


>> No.20307236

Even though the protagonists are little girls, there's actually a LOT going on for it.

>> No.20307275

fuk u

ill watch a cartoon about ponies if i want to

and youre not going to make me feel bad about

>> No.20307293

/co/ is like, half girls. Chill out.

>> No.20307293,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.20307293,2 [INTERNAL] 

And look at us today.

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